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According to common belief, some homeowners prefer to water their lawns by hand because they believe that sprinkler systems tend to overuse water. However, with the advancement in irrigation systems, there are convenient and water-saving techniques that homeowners can use. Here are five valuable tips for keeping your lawn green and healthy while conserving water.

Consider the type of sprinkler

Landscaping professionals often recommend installing in-ground sprinklers to water lawns. This is one of the most efficient methods of maintaining a garden. In-ground sprinklers are a particularly sound investment for homeowners who plan to stay in their homes for a longer period of time. Installing permanent sprinklers also helps increase a home’s resale value. For those who don’t have an in-ground system and aren’t planning to invest in one, a pulsating sprinkler system connected to a garden hose may be a suitable alternative.

Early watering is essential

The morning hours offer the ideal time to water the lawn. This is because the air is cooler during these hours and there is not much wind, which can lead to uneven watering. Gardening experts recommend anytime between 4 am and 10 am Watering during these hours also allows time for the soil to properly soak and dry before the morning sun rises.

The lawn should be evenly wet

In this case, it is advisable to work with a professional irrigation expert to install and test the sprinkler system. They can make sure that it disperses the water evenly. A homeowner can do this on their own by placing containers around the lawn and turning on the system. After a spray session, you should compare the amount of water in the containers and adjust if necessary. Even sprinkling helps save water.

Watering slowly helps efficient absorption

Lawn watering should be planned in advance. Depending on the size of the lawn, this is a task that can take hours and it is not advisable to rush the watering process. Watering should be done slowly to allow adequate time for absorption, as watering too quickly will cause runoff. The best way to water a garden is to divide it into sections and spray one section at a time. This method allows the water in each patio area to settle into the ground.

Regular spraying is important

During the hot months, it is advisable to wet the garden at least once every three days. This provides the roots with enough water and healthy conditions for optimal growth, leading to a more stable and nourished lawn. Frequent or daily spraying is not advisable as it can inhibit root growth.

When watering your lawn, it’s wise to make sure the soil is moistened up to 6 inches down. Additionally, the homeowner should be on the lookout for indicators such as bluish-green color and curled grass blades, which mean the lawn needs water. Working with a professional, make sure the irrigation system is properly installed and the garden receives enough water to support healthy growth.

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