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The skin of the penis is, by its very nature, a bit wrinkled. The folds of skin around the penis allow this incredible organ to grow in size as the blood flows through and then shrink down to a manageable size as the blood flow slips once more. Without wrinkles, a penis would not be able to do its job properly. However, this does not mean that a man wants to have more wrinkles than he really needs. In fact, most men want the skin on their penis to remain smooth and supple, with as few wrinkles as possible. Alpha Lipoic Acid can help, and if applied as part of a routine penile care program, men can see a real benefit in the appearance and function of the penis.

feed by mouth

Alpha lipoic acid is found in a variety of natural foods, including:

  • Liver and other viscera
  • Leafy green vegetables, including spinach and broccoli
  • yeast
  • Tomatoes
  • rice bran

Preparing a big salad with a side of liver may be tasty, but it may not be helpful for the skin of the penis. The body needs a significant amount of additional alpha-lipoic acid to feel the true benefits of this nutrient, and eating foods like this might not provide enough exposure. Also, the body does not always allocate nutrients using a method approved by the brain. A man who eats tomatoes may think he is doing it for his penis, for example, but the body can apply the nutrients from that tomato to the skin of the nose. Eating nutrients is an imprecise method to use in order to nourish a specific part of the body.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is also available in capsule form, but again, the body may choose to use those supplements to help some other part of the body, leaving the penile skin in its original sloppy, wrinkled state. Taking massive doses of this vitamin orally can also be a bit risky, as the acid can cause blood sugar abnormalities and the supplement can also interact with medical treatments, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

topical applications

Putting alpha-lipoic acid directly on the skin of the penis gives the man control, allowing him to specify where the nutrient should take effect. The acid will not be used to help another part of the body in this method, and it will not interact with other medications that might also be inside the digestive tract. Applying the lotion directly to the skin can also have other benefits. When alpha-lipoic acid is applied topically, it works as an antioxidant. The chemistry can be complicated, but in essence, the skin is making reactions throughout the day, and sometimes those reactions get out of hand and cells begin to erode and show signs of premature aging. Alpha Lipoic Acid can stop these reactions and allow the skin to maintain its youthful appearance.

Women may be used to using lotions on their skin as they have been trained to keep their skin youthful in order to remain attractive, but men may find the concept a bit unfamiliar. It’s pretty easy to get started. After a shower, when the skin is clean and warm, nutrients can penetrate the tough exterior of the skin and do their work deep within the cells. Lotions applied at this time can also help trap moisture within the skin, which could also help prevent skin from drying, cracking, and peeling. A penis health cream. (most experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil) It contains an adequate amount of Alpha Lipoic Acid, along with other skin-nourishing ingredients, that can help a man get the soft, smooth, youthful skin he craves. Skin like this is more beautiful, and as a bonus, it’s also much more sensitive.

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