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Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland. It is also a city rich in Scottish history, and is a popular tourist attraction and is home to the prestigious University of Glasgow.

The city was originally established as a place of religious worship, as it was one of the largest bishoprics in all of Scotland. At the end of the 12th century, King William I granted the municipality of the city, which granted it commercial privileges. As a result, Glasgow became a thriving economic community. During this time, the tradition of an annual Glasgow fair began; This tradition continues to this day. In 1451, the University of Glasgow opened its doors, which increased the prestige of the city by giving it a reputation as an academic and religious place.

Today, Glasgow is the second most popular tourist destination in all of Scotland. It is known for being an excellent shopping center; There are more shops in Glasgow than in other Scottish cities. Tourists especially like to come in the summer, as Glasgow has moderate temperatures for most of this season. It is best to avoid this city during winters, which are humid and cold.

In addition to its rich history and modern shopping facilities, tourists can enjoy Glasgow’s unique architecture. Most of the city’s buildings were built during the Victorian era, although there are two landmarks from the medieval era: St. Mungo’s Cathedral, built in the 13th century; and Provand Manor, built in 15. Notable structures from the Victorian era include the Glasgow City Chambers, the main building of the University of Glasgow, and the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum.

Most of these buildings were constructed of red or sanguine sandstone and were restored to their original appearance after soot kilns, which tended to foul buildings, were banned in 1956.

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