
A Virtual World of Live Pictures.


Be accessible. Chances are, this guy knows you exist, and if he does, he’s probably afraid to come talk to you or is waiting for you to say something or do something to give him a sign. This does not mean wearing something shoddy or being loud around you. This means keeping your cool and maybe changing your appearance. If you never wear dresses, show up in a new sundress or sparkly top with cute shoes. Guys are like kids in the sense that they like shiny things, and if they don’t like them, they will definitely catch your eye.


Be yourself. There is nothing sexier in a girl (according to men) than being confident. A girl who exudes confidence is a girl worth pursuing. If your best quality is your funny sense of humor, tell him a joke or be witty in class or at the office. If your best quality is your cheekiness, show it! Sometimes guys think it’s adorable. However, of the guys I’ve talked to, being yourself is key to getting guys’ attention. Be confident, stand tall, and show off your assets (no pun intended).


Beat him dead. Okay ladies, this is not a literal meaning, it just means that once they have your attention, they should surprise you. This means doing something that he would not expect. One day dress up in a very sophisticated or beautiful outfit, whether it is at an office party or on a warm spring day, it is important that he sees you as a lady and not as a possible friend. Lots of girls fall into the “friend zone,” so while saying this isn’t cool, it’s important to show off your feminine sex appeal.

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