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Find physical therapy programs in the United States and Canada. There are a wide variety of physical therapy programs to choose from. For example, if you have already achieved a certain level of education from one of the more than 200 accredited physical therapy programs in the United States, you will find that several schools and universities provide extended professional training in Master of Physical Therapy, Post-Graduate Doctor of Physiotherapy Programs. Physiotherapy, as well as a Doctor of Transition in Physiotherapy Programs.

Depending on the physical therapy program you enroll in, there are several specialized areas of study that are currently available. Several colleges and universities provide hands-on training in orthopedic physical therapy, geriatric physical therapy, neurological physical therapy, occupational physical therapy, cardiovascular/pulmonary rehabilitation, and pediatric physical therapy, among others.

If you’re more interested in becoming a physical therapy assistant (PTA) or physical therapy assistant, there are also numerous physical therapy programs designed primarily with the future PTA in mind. Candidates learn to work under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist after successful graduation from an accredited associate’s degree program.

Associates in Physical Therapy programs often take approximately two years to complete and are the educational springboard for physical therapy assistants. Upon completion, graduates can earn their bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degrees and earn the right to become licensed physical therapists. Depending on the degree course, students can anticipate a curriculum in anatomy, CPR and first aid, physiology, biology, chemistry, and physics; and practical training in therapeutic modalities (including massage techniques, manual and mechanical therapies, etc.). While not all physical therapy schools offer the exact same curriculum, accredited physical therapy programs (by the APTA of the American Physical Therapy Association) must meet Common Core educational standards; therefore, while many may differ in specialized training, the academic underpinnings are very similar.

Upon successful completion of training in one of the countless physical therapy programs, graduates can earn between $24,000 and $88,000 a year.* (Depending on level of education, experience, and training).

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding physical therapy programs, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and more help you! lets start! Explore career school programs near you.

*Source of wages: BLS (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Physical Therapy Programs: Courses of Study
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