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Both men and women play mind games. For some it is just that, a game. Others have made an art of it. Women play mind games to keep men guessing and also to make them jealous. Men play them when they are not really serious with a woman and also when they are insecure. They just want to have fun and are generally not concerned with other people’s feelings.

Mind games actually cause a lot of friction and serious problems between men and women. There are women who like to trick men into thinking that they are interested in a certain guy and when the guy starts to get serious, the woman loses all interest. What happens then is that she either starts ignoring him or acts like she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. It is mostly the younger and more attractive woman who plays this kind of game. Knowing that she can get any man she likes makes her want to experiment and see how many she can catch; like a fisherman who, once she has caught the fish, returns it, because what mattered to him was the hunt.

When it comes to men, I think the mind games are played by the insecure and immature man who doesn’t have a lot of self-confidence. They want the woman to think of them as superior beings waiting to serve them or ignore the woman when they are among a group of friends to show their friends how macho they are. Although the man ignores him, he expects respect from the woman and does not like that she treats him in the same way, and so the fights and arguments begin.

While a man waits for the woman to reveal her previous relationships, you ask her about her relationships and you will never get a straight answer. So it is with most men; They tend to mince words on many issues and therefore play mind games with their partners, simply because they don’t want to be tied down. However, they expect the woman to be there to satisfy her every whim and fantasies and see nothing wrong with this because of her inflated egos.

If a woman starts playing mind games, the only thing a man can do is ignore her completely or get revenge by returning good to her. A woman most of the time plays mind games when she wants her man’s attention and lacks it. The man could always tell her to stop or go. Be firm and make sure he understands that you won’t tolerate any nonsense from him. If you dawdle and show a lack of confidence, he will definitely take advantage of you and do worse to “teach you a lesson.” It’s a vicious cycle and one that needs to be stopped as soon as possible if you really take the woman in question seriously.

The most common of all mind games played by women is trying to make a man jealous by showing interest in another man. Don’t react the way she expects you to. Don’t throw a tantrum and don’t yell at him. She might compare you to another man and say how successful he is or how smart he hopes to hurt you. At times like this, don’t show your true feelings. The best course of action would be to show how bored you are with their silly games. You can always tell her that she is free to go with the successful man if he wants her. Show him that you don’t care one way or the other. No woman wants to be told that she is free to go and if she has only been playing around, she will soon stop it when she sees that she doesn’t mind. She might even scare her into changing her tactics and they can both start living normally and hopefully in peace.

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