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Divorce can be a very expensive life event. Although you will have to pay your attorney’s fees, you will also have to pay your daily expenses. In fact, falling behind on bills can hurt you in court and can even cost you custody of your children. Here are some important tips to help you deal with the financial challenges you may face.

Educate yourself

In some cases, a woman may come from a situation where her husband took over the finances. In cases like this, a woman may have no idea how to create a budget or how to handle financial matters. If this describes your situation, you may want to find a financial advisor in your area. You can search online or in the phone book for an experienced counselor.

In some cases, your financial counseling sessions may be free or you may qualify for sessions at a reduced price. Keep in mind that your financial situation will change depending on the situation in court. Certainly, your finances will look different before and after the divorce is final.

Get organized

Organization is a big part of financial success! Keep your bills in one area and keep them organized by due date. You can keep track of expiration dates using a pen and paper system, or you can use a computer program. There are many free programs available online. You can find one that suits your needs by doing an internet search.

Deal with debt

Dealing with debt is not fun, but it is necessary. It is important to deal with your debt rather than ignore the problem and hope it goes away. A credit counselor can create a plan to deal with your debt. However, it is important to do a little research on credit counselors before hiring one. Make sure your counselor is experienced and credible.

If you have a large amount of debt, it may be necessary to file for bankruptcy. Make sure you’ve exhausted all of your options before choosing this one. Bankruptcy can ruin your credit rating for years to come. A bankruptcy will also affect your ability to obtain credit, buy a car, or even buy a home.

Save money on bills

Between electric bills, water bills, and cable bills, your budget may be taking a beating. Cut the expenses you can. For example, do you really need cable TV or could you just watch shows online with a Netflix subscription? If you don’t use the Internet very often, you may consider using the library computers instead of paying for the Internet at home.

Some people use their cell phone as their primary phone and don’t have a landline to save money. You can even find a company with cheaper electricity rates.

Save money on groceries

There are several blogs and websites available that explain the art of coupons. While you don’t need to go to extremes, you can save quite a bit of money by buying the sales and using coupons. When you can, you may want to consider stocking up on items when they go on sale.

By using these tips, you can work towards creating a budget and a financially strong future for yourself and your children.

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