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If you’re like many people, an invitation to a baby shower can trigger panic or excitement for a baby, and then panic. Baby showers usually mean gifts, and how the heck do you find a gift for someone who hasn’t been born yet?

A trend that has become fashionable is decorating a nursery with camouflage. Maybe it’s because of the popularity of hunting, or because camouflage is a unisex theme, so mom and dad can agree, especially if mom and dad are hunters. And where there is nursery camo, there should be other baby camo items. Here are some gift ideas for any upcoming baby shower you’ll be attending.

Camouflage crib bedding and other nursery stuff

Although some parents may have already chosen a theme for the nursery, they will need a little help completing it. Camo baby bedding for the crib and other nursery essentials make great gifts. You can find camo ruffles, pillowcases, crib sheets, duvets, and fleece and jersey blankets, just to name a few ideas. Given the number of different places baby will nap, she can never have too many blankets.

A camo diaper stacker would also make a great gift. Diaper stackers are useful things, and would keep with the camo theme in a more unique gift.

Very active

Every time babies go somewhere, they need a lot of things. Bottles, diapers, diaper changing supplies, extra clothes (just in case), toys, and pacifiers are just some of the things that need to be brought along. This is exactly why a camo diaper bag or baby bag would make a great baby shower gift. A camouflage changing pad would go perfectly with the diaper bag and would be greatly appreciated by a new mother when she has to change her baby in a public restroom.

give something personal

Giving a baby a little camouflage hat is cute. But gifting a baby a little camouflage hat that’s been embroidered with “Daddy’s Little Hunter” or “Mommy’s Little Hunter”? That’s not only cute, but it also adds a more thoughtful touch to an otherwise pretty standard gift.

You can also personalize other camo items, like overalls and bibs, with either a phrase or the baby’s name. A camouflage Christmas stocking embroidered with the baby’s name would be a great gift, especially if the baby shower is close to Christmas.

Don’t forget the other kids.

If your friends or family have older children, they may feel left out by all the fuss about the new baby. Remind them that they’re still special with a little camo gift of their own, like a sweatshirt or hat. Just remembering them a little will be a kindness and will help a lot.

Children’s camouflage is rapidly growing in popularity. If you have fellow hunters who will soon be hearing the little hunters in their family knocking, camouflage baby gifts will be just the thing for you. They may not be able to take the little ones camping right away, but with baby camo gifts, babies will be ready for the hunting cabin before they hike.

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