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If you are considering getting a merchant account so your business can accept credit cards, you are probably wondering which type of credit card terminal will be best for you. There are many things to take into account when choosing your terminal; These are some of the most important aspects of your decision.

First, think about whether you really need a credit card terminal. If you have a mail order business or do internet sales, you probably don’t need a terminal, but if you have a business where you deal with your customers in person, you will want to have a machine where they can swipe their cards.

Next, you need to consider the type of connection your terminal should have. Old credit card machines used a phone line to connect and complete the transaction. This is still a good option if you have a dedicated phone line (or if you can share a phone line between the card terminal and your fax machine, for example).

Newer models use Internet connections or even wireless connections, which may be a better option if your business is already connected to the Internet. Talk to your payment processing company to determine which type of transmission is right for you.

You also need to think about exactly what you need your credit card terminal to do. Would you like it to print two receipts automatically, for example, or would you prefer to use carbon paper? Or would you prefer a terminal that includes an electronic pad and pen so that the customer can “sign” directly at the terminal?

You can even get Tap and Go terminals that allow customers with certain cards to literally touch their cards at the machine and get instant approval. Customers without those cards can still swipe their normal credit card and no signature is required.

Another option you might consider is if you want a credit card terminal that also allows you to accept debit cards. These machines have a keyboard that allows users to enter their PIN number.

Accepting debit cards is great for you because you don’t pay all the fees you pay if you accept a debit card without allowing the customer to enter their PIN. It is a very secure transaction method and something you should definitely think about.

When thinking about what type of credit card terminal to purchase, consider all your options and weigh your needs and the needs of your customers against the price of the different terminals offered by your payment processor. Some processors even provide equipment for free, which makes it even more attractive to get all the features you want.

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