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When I started marketing online, I didn’t have money to buy ebooks or courses. He just had the will to learn and the will to succeed.

There are many ways to make money online these days. If you want to get your share of the pie, you’ll need a computer with an Internet connection, some guidance, and a dash of creativity.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. It’s really easy, but there is a learning curve (which I skipped). I jumped right in when I started and lost a lot of money.

With no extra money, I discovered a way to get a free education by searching the internet. Basically, I searched for marketing products that interested me, such as affiliate programs, SEO (search engine optimization), keyword research, and website building.

I then signed up for your free ezines, newsletters, reports, and eBooks. The amount of quality information I acquired was enormous.

Now you may be thinking. If all this information is free. What’s in it for them? Well these guys know that if they give you a lot of useful information and develop a good relationship with you. It is likely that you will return to their website or purchase a product from them in the future. Pretty smart, right?

You may have heard. “The money is in the list.” If you haven’t, let me explain. The more (free) subscribers a seller can gain, the more exposure those subscribers will have to the seller’s products. It has been said that for every subscriber on the email list, they are worth one dollar per month. It may not seem like much at first, but it soon adds up. For example, if a salesperson had 5,000 subscribers to his email list, that equals $5,000 per month! Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?

So I challenge you to start looking for free information today. As a suggestion, you can start by looking for forums about online marketing. Find out what other people are doing to make money online.

Also, I recommend looking up the “Tramp Marketing Method”. This is the best free way I know of to start your online business. It basically involves signing up for free blogging websites, writing blogs, and putting up affiliate links to other people’s products, who pay you a commission if your referral leads to a sale.

So there you have it. A way to start your online marketing career that won’t cost you money. Don’t be fooled though. It will cost you time. Nothing comes free in life, but if you put in the effort, it will pay off in the long run. I wish you the best of luck.

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