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WoW’s newest expansion is Cataclysm. In Cataclysm, the talent trees have been completely redesigned. In the old tree system, there was a 51-point tree system. The new talent tree system uses a 31-point tree system. Players will get a total of 41 points to spend. All 31 points must be used in the main skill tree before additional points can be placed in other trees.

By following an excellent WoW Cataclysm guide, I was able to really learn how the new talent tree system works and use it to best effect. Of course, the downside to talent trees is that they only seem to be great once your characters are above level 80. Some talents can get a bit boring as you level up, and can be quite frustrating at times.

That’s why I wanted to level up my characters quickly so I could try out a lot of different races and classes and have a lot of fun with the game. A WoW Cataclysm guide really got me through some tough spots and the talent trees are great once you get past level 80.

If you want to get the most out of WoW Cataclysm, I highly recommend looking for an excellent WoW Cataclysm guide. With a great guide, you can learn about all the different races and the talent tree system. Get some secret tips on leveling up, auction houses, getting gold and skills.

So once you reach level 10, you will be able to choose the specialization from your talent tree. Here’s a little insight into those specs: As a warrior, you get specs like shield bash when selecting your protection, fury, there are bloodthirsty warriors, and weapons for deadly collision, plus bonuses to each other. A Priest of Discipline gains Atonement, a Fire Mage Pyroblast, and the Elemental Shaman is excited by the storm.

There are a lot of different things to learn in the Cataclysm expansion and like I said before, get a WoW Cataclysm guide because it will really help you.

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