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Septic tank systems are common in rural areas. Households that are not connected to a municipal sewer system use them as a form of wastewater treatment. A septic system carries waste from a home to the septic tank. Regular maintenance and checks are required to keep everything working as it should. Over a period of time, the sludge accumulates in the container. It is necessary to pump this sludge out and keep the tank working as it should.

Symptoms of a Clogged Septic Tank

There are a few different symptoms that indicate a buildup of sludge and you will need to hire the services of a reputable septic tank cleaning company to have it cleaned once every few years. These personnel are trained to carry out the treatment and pumping of wastewater. You should call them the moment you detect a bad odor in the vicinity of your home. Accumulation of water on the patio or on top of the container is another indicator that there is a blockage. Don’t delay calling them the moment you notice any of these indicators.

the job

Septic tanks are generally made of concrete. At one time, they used to be made of metal, but now almost all homeowners have switched to concrete ones. The tank is the point of accumulation of all the liquid and solid waste in your house. Most of the waste is broken down by bacteria, after which it takes a liquid form and leaves the container. If clogged, solid waste can get into the field lines. This will lead to a complete clogging of the drain.


The top of each tank has an opening or a hatch. This is usually covered in mud as part of the course. The mud around it will have to be dug out to expose the hatch. Inspection should be done annually, while cleaning can be done every 3-5 years. There is a sure way to know if it requires cleaning. Once the hatch is open, the internal height of the tank must be measured. Post that, you’ll need to measure the height of the solid matter that has collected at the bottom of the tank. If it occupies 35% or more of the height of the tank, it will have to be pumped.

Professional cleaning companies have trucks that have powerful vacuums attached to them. They get the job done efficiently. The tank will have some water even when the sludge has been cleaned out. This is very normal and it is very important to clean the tank regularly.

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