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Just like any other male species, a Sagittarius guy is full of testosterone. This may make it look easy to hook one, but the Archer/Centaur sign is really tricky. It is very easy to get close to one because Sagittarius are naturally friendly and easy to talk to. But it takes a little more than a pretty face (not to mention a hot body) to keep this guy interested. If you feel like a Sagittarius guy is what you want or if you’re determined to get his attention because today’s horoscope reads “Wow! (and you are a firm believer in all things divine and written in the stars), think about what men are like and what they like and try to incorporate it with the characteristics of an Archer, here are some tips to help you get and keep the interest of a Sagittarius.

1) Be confident and always look your best. For starters. The first goal is to get your attention, right? Physical appearance is very important to a guy. Or anyone else. You might be flat-chested compared to the girl next to you, but there are ways around that. Always make sure you look clean and smell fresh even at the end of the day after walking 5 blocks to work (and 5 blocks back to the train station), arguing with your boss after finishing a 300-page financial report in 6 hours, and eating fried garlic sardines for lunch. Be confident. Trust takes you far. There’s something about walking across the room with your head held high that makes a man turn his head. Especially if you’re in that flirty dress and sexy stilettos.

2) Be little Miss Sunshine. Sagittarius are cheerful and active people. So if you’re all emo and determined to cry when you see a “Please keep off the grass” sign, then you’re in dire need of getting your priorities in order. You have to be little miss sunshine. Smile. Laugh at her jokes. Try to engage him in light conversation. When you meet someone you know or are introduced to their friends, greet them with a little more enthusiasm than that day in kindergarten when you found out your crush likes your best friend. And whatever happens, refrain from talking about how, from time to time; you feel like following your dead cat to the other side.

3) Be enigmatic and mysterious. First of all, mysterious doesn’t mean weird. There is just certain information that you are not supposed to volunteer. Going out with him a few times doesn’t mean he has a right to know that you have a security blanket and that you can recite the multiplication tables backwards. When you were five years old. While you were Sleeping. The Sagittarius zodiac is ruled by the planet Jupiter. They are philosophical people and they like puzzles. You don’t have to act like Einstein one minute and be a dumb blonde the next. Just be distant. Avoid giving too much information. If he, for example, asks a question that you don’t like answering like… “How many boyfriends have you had in the last 2 weeks?”, he’ll just smile and say “Why would you want to know?”. That way you’ve avoided answering his question in a polite BUT playful way and at the same time leaving him with a little puzzle to solve.

4) Flirt. Flirt. Flirt. If you are in a bar and you want to go up and talk to him or get his number? Forward. Make the first move. There is no law that prevents you from doing so. Confidence would turn him on. And they like meeting new people so it doesn’t hurt. They will love the attention. It may overwhelm you a bit, but in this case, an overwhelmed Sagittarius is a good thing. Again, laugh at his jokes. Lightly tap your arm or thigh if necessary. If we have not yet clarified the point, we will detail it for you, Sagittarius love to flirt.

5) Be unpredictable. Again, don’t act weird. Assuming you’re already in a relationship with a Sagittarius man, this doesn’t mean you’re going to stop getting his attention. You still have to work on it because Archers get bored easily. And once they do, expect him to head out the door and find some fun and excitement. Even if it means being with someone else. So be unpredictable. Put on that perfume that he bought you and that you hate so much but that excites him so much. Show up at his door one night with a pair of tickets to a basketball game. Or if you’re used to planned vacations, try repacking for once. Just hop on a bus, don’t book hotel rooms or a car service. Walk out the door with a little cash and even fewer clothes and no plan at all. This will make the adventurous part of him very happy.

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