
A Virtual World of Live Pictures.

There is something peaceful about the song of a songbird. We wake up in the morning and hear birds that are already up, jumping and singing to each other. We may moan and pull the covers back over our heads, but deep down, the sweet, melodious calls tell us that the day has come, it’s new, and all is right with the world.

Everywhere you look there are birdhouses and feeders for sale. They are found in pet stores, in hardware stores, even in supermarkets. Cub Scouts make them for their mothers, and craft stores sell the decorations. We want to attract birds to our gardens and patios. Birds make us feel happy. When people come out of a depression, they say they hear the birds singing again. After a natural disaster, when the birds return, it seems like a sign that life will continue. These wonderful feathered creatures encourage us with their songs and invigorate us with their resilience.

Birds are free creatures that can flit from tree branch to tree branch or fly high above us. Its beauty attracts the gaze and its songs move our hearts. Its delicate wings give us a taste of freedom, and its small black eyes invite us to experience life in a more joyful and carefree way. After all, they seem to sing no matter what the day brings.

Ask a room of people what their favorite songbird is and you’ll get a multitude of answers. Bright red cardinals top many people’s lists. Photos of them decorate Christmas cards. You can always see them, and every time they appear, we marvel at their brilliant colors. Finches bring joy and many people have tamed them in cages because their high-pitched chirp and energetic flapping of wings lift the soul. Warblers feature prominently due to their bright splashes of yellow and black, or black and white, as well as their unique ability to play clear notes. Bluebirds are called birds of happiness, and who has ever seen the painted pennant and not gasped at the sight? Even the simple brown sparrow hopping across the ground in the middle of the city in search of treats and crumbs evokes a smile. They seem happy and carefree even though they are constantly searching for food. So if they leave droppings, we still want them in our lives, right?

What is your favorite songbird? Is it a bluebird, a chickadee or perhaps a mourning dove softly cooing to its partner? Is it the industrious hummingbird flitting from flower to flower?

Birds can arouse pleasant emotions. In the bleak desolation of winter, images of migratory songbirds on the wall, refrigerator or office cubicle bring a promise of spring, sunny days and flowers. So surround yourself with birds. Attract them to your garden or apartment patio by hanging feeders or houses for them. Post some photos of them in your office or home. I bet your mood improves.

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