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You want to lose weight with healthy recipes, but you don’t feel like following a strict diet for months. Do you secretly hate dieting but want to feel better about your body?

Then you’re probably looking for an easy way to enjoy your food but still lose those extra pounds. The healthy recipes in this article will help you lose weight in a week. Of course, we do this in a healthy way so that these kilos really stick.

Use the healthy tips and recipes and be sure to lose weight in no time. This is also possible without going through intensive training or constantly starving yourself. Surprise your friends and family with your new figure.

They will be surprised and wonder how you did this. You’ll shine with confidence and feel completely comfortable again. Discover in this article how you can lose a few kilos step by step in a week.

Because you learn more about sports and exercise and what healthy recipes you can make yourself, you know exactly how to make sure your body looks tight and fit again.

A healthy diet is essential to lose weight and maintain it. Many overweight people do not eat too many calories, but rather the wrong kinds of calories.

It is not a good solution to lose weight.

You cannot solve a problem by fighting its symptoms. Rather, you must resolve the cause of the problem. Only then will you combat the problem. Many people don’t resolve the cause of their weight problems, which means losing weight isn’t always possible.

Many people spend hours in the gym training, but do not lose weight. You may be surprised but it is not necessary to spend hours in the gym. What you have to change is your diet.

It’s important to eat healthier, consume fewer calories, and keep moving. This does not have to be an intensive sport, it can also be climbing stairs, riding a bike or walking.

To solve the problem

The problem with overweight people is that they get too much of the wrong calories. Not all the calories in the diet influence being overweight.

Research from John Hopkins University (2011) has shown that calories from carbohydrates cause overweight in contrast to calories from fat and protein.

If you want to lose weight, therefore, it is necessary to eat low carbohydrates and replace them with healthy fats and proteins. You may not know exactly what you are going to eat. Don’t worry, later in this article, I am sharing a series of recipes with you so that you know exactly what you can eat.

calorie burning

The moment you start eating the right calories, it will be much easier to lose the extra weight. Many believe that cardiovascular training is the best way to lose weight.

However, cardiovascular exercises are not the best way to burn calories. For example, if you go running for five hours, you only burn a Big Mac. The downside of many cardio sports is that you put considerable stress on your muscles.

This tension causes nasty injuries. This type of exercise causes a feeling of hunger after exercise, so you will eat more again.

Then, in no time, you get the number of calories you just burned. So you trained for nothing. Most people also don’t like sweating for hours on a treadmill.

Going to the gym is always a challenge. Do you also want to move in an easy and simple way?

active lifestyle

An active lifestyle is a better alternative to burn calories. You can do this very easily by exercising more in your daily life. From now on, do your shopping by bike instead of by car, don’t watch TV at night, walk and take the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

Our body needs to move every day. Through an active lifestyle, your body will burn more calories. By making this a daily part of your day, it’s easy to maintain your weight and feel comfortable.

exercise every day

Get in the habit of exercising 15 to 30 minutes every day in the fresh air. Do this before you start your breakfast. Bike as much as possible and always try to park your car within a 15 minute walk.

Try to learn not to sit still for more than 30 minutes. At work, you can do a stretching exercise or take a short walk to the printer. Always end the day with a half-hour evening walk instead of watching television.

What are you going to eat?

Before the week begins, there are a number of things you should have in your home.

  • coconut oil

  • Extra virgin olive oil

  • winter carrot

  • Onions

  • salmon

  • Garlic

  • eggs

  • Broccoli

  • boil red

  • Sauerkraut

  • Avocado

  • Almond nuts

  • Fruit

The weekly schedule


  • Breakfast: Put a piece of coconut oil in a pan and fry 2 eggs, 1 onion and 1 garlic clove in it. Add 1 avocado and a dash of extra virgin olive oil to the food.

  • Lunch: carrots with two boiled eggs.

  • Dinner: Baked salmon in coconut oil and steamed broccoli. Add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil before eating.

  • Snack: Nuts, almonds, carrots


  • Breakfast: Bake 2 eggs in coconut oil with a handful of spinach. Add 1 onion and 1 garlic clove to this. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over the plate before eating.

  • Lunch: Prepare a salad filled with avocado, cucumber, tomato and spinach. As a dressing, extra virgin olive oil is used with a squeeze of lemon.

  • Dinner: Herring with cooked red cabbage. Put a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil on top.

  • Snack: Nuts, almonds, carrots


  • Breakfast: Put coconut oil in a pan and add 2 eggs, 1 onion and a clove of garlic. Add avocado and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

  • Lunch: Prepare a salad stuffed with spinach, cucumber, tomato, and smoked salmon. Prepare a dressing with squeezed lemon, balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.

  • Dinner: Cauliflower with meat fried in coconut oil.

  • Snack: Almonds, nuts, carrots


  • Breakfast: Breakfast with a fried egg, 1 onion and a clove of garlic. Bake all this in coconut oil. Add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

  • Lunch: Enjoy a salad with prawns, avocado and add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

  • Dinner: 2 fried eggs and steamed broccoli.

  • Snack: Carrots, vegetables, nuts and almonds


  • Breakfast: Bake 2 eggs with a drizzle of coconut oil and add a clove of garlic and onion. Finish your breakfast with avocado and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

  • Lunch: carrots and a boiled egg

  • Dinner: smoked salmon, sauerkraut and fried leek

  • Snack: Vegetables, nuts and almonds, fruit.


  • Breakfast: Today you have breakfast by frying 2 eggs in coconut oil. Add the onions and garlic. Then add some extra virgin olive oil to the dish.

  • Lunch: Eat a salad of fried spinach, avocado, and tomato.

  • Dinner: Fry the Chinese cabbage and cover with extra virgin olive oil.

  • Snack: Vegetables, almonds, nuts and fruits.


  • Breakfast: Add some coconut oil to a hot pan. Then fry the onion, a clove of garlic and two eggs. Add an avocado to your plate and add an extra virgin olive oil.

  • Lunch: Roast the zucchini and add extra virgin olive oil

  • Dinner: fried sardines or steamed mackerel and broccoli.

  • Snack: Vegetables, nuts, almonds and fruits.

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