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This year has been particularly hard to get back to work as we have all had a very long break. Our internal clocks are all backwards; most of us go to bed late and fall asleep the next morning. It’s called having ‘Social Jet Lag’. In preparation for going back to work, try setting your alarm clock for your normal ‘morning work time’ a few days before the end of your vacation. It will make a world of difference on your first morning back.


Many of us are affected by eating more during the Christmas period. Research studies have shown that we can gain five to seven pounds in Christmas week alone. It’s a good idea to make sure all Rose’s and Quality Street cans are finished before embarking on a healthy eating regimen. Those Christmas treats are a great temptation while they’re still in the house. The good news is that most people, after following a healthy eating plan with exercise, usually lose excess weight in a matter of two to three weeks.


The old saying ‘what’s done is done’ is very true, if you’ve overspent at Christmas there’s no use worrying too much about it now. Look on the bright side, you had a great vacation with the family, everyone was happy, and you have beautiful memories to look back on for years to come. What you can do now, though, is start taking stock of your finances, see where you can cut back, make a budget, and stick to it.


Seasonal affective disorder is believed to affect millions of people each year, as a lack of natural sunlight can cause them to feel depressed and lethargic.

Boost your mood by going outside, make it a habit to go for a walk every lunch hour. Take your walking shoes to work with you. Just 30 minutes of natural light can be enough to make you feel happy and energized.

Yes, January can be a very bleak month, but by starting to make some of the positive changes mentioned above, it won’t be long before you feel better than ever.

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