
A Virtual World of Live Pictures.

Very good friends. This concept is simple, easy to understand, and a must for any online entrepreneur trying to make money online.

Include in your daily routine MOTIVATE DAILY. Sorry I had to yell. It is that important.

Many of us get into internet marketing because we think we have found the perfect niche that fits our interest. We watched some videos and read some articles that got us excited, only to fizzle out not more than a week later. It happens when that initial adrenaline wears off. It’s natural. It happens to all of us. You must not be discouraged. It’s all part of the process and it’s what will set you apart from the rest of the pack. It’s what will put you in a league with the big boys before you know it.

So in this sense… I guess I have presented the problem, now let me solve it for you. The following are my top 5 ways to stay motivated:

Top 5 ways to motivate yourself:

#5 Music

Everyone has those songs that cheer them up. You probably have them on your iPod for when you work out or go for a run. The songs are generally upbeat, tell an amazing story, and get your blood flowing no matter what horribly mundane task you’re working on. Everyone is different when it comes to music in this category. For me, I am easy to please. I prefer music that has a lot of bass. Usually upbeat lyrics, drum beats, a bit of electronic techno. My favorite Pandora station to keep you motivated is ‘David Guetta’. I rarely have to skip a song, as most help me get things done while keeping a good beat on my headphones.

Spotify can be a great way to see what your friends use to stay motivated. Spotify allows you to share playlists. I look at my friend’s playlist all the time and gather songs that I probably should have listened to a long time ago.

#4 Exercise

Most people have trouble motivating themselves to exercise. I don’t expect you to be any different. But I do want you to see it from a different angle. Use exercise as a way to motivate yourself to be productive.

We all know the feeling that exercise can give us. For me, it’s a sense of accomplishment, a feeling that I just did that. It changes my attitude and perspective for the rest of the day. My job is really simple.

I run about a mile and a half, stopping at my pivot point, doing push-ups, jumping jacks, kicks, sit-ups, lunges, all in rotation until I’m too tired to do more. Then I run back. As I run backwards, I try to go faster than the pace I was using to get there.

I run my main job for various reasons. First, it helps me clear my mind, focus on what I’m doing… try not to stop running. When my mind clears like that, it opens my mind to new thoughts or renewed thoughts on the subject that matters most to me at the time. If I get blocked by writers or designers… I run.

The rush of testosterone and adrenaline in the body is also a great benefit. It helps me feel like a million bucks and gives me a lot of motivation for whatever task I set out to do next.

#3 Have a rich mindset

The rich don’t go around feeling sorry for themselves. They got rich doing a lot of things right. And I’m willing to bet the one thing they didn’t do was waste their time and pass up opportunities to do serious work. You can not fear success. Take your determination and push and push yourself towards your goal. See the small victories and take advantage of them. Own those moments and use them to propel you forward.

#2 Stop procrastination

get up and make it happen. Procrastination helps no one, especially yourself. Delay breaks, delay your bullshit excuse for not doing the work you set out to do. Being an online entrepreneur, an online business manager, whatever you want to call it, comes with ZERO tolerance for procrastination. Procrastination sucks, and everyone who does it is in the same boat. Don’t be a nobody. Be somebody, and that starts with telling Procrastination to go home. This is a place to work.

#1 Stay goal oriented

What is your goal?



Great! How do you get there? You make smaller goals to reach your big goal. If you haven’t already… GET STARTED!

Go get a pen and a piece of paper right now. Write these things.


I’m waiting…




Great! Now, make it your personal goal to cross things off this list every day. AND DO IT.

Reaching and achieving small goals is one of the most rewarding things you can do as your own boss. I personally bought myself a whiteboard that I put right next to my monitors. Every time I lose focus, I look at the list of things I need to do to reach my overall goal. And I make one of them. This is a constantly evolving list. It grows every day. I keep the old little goals I’ve already achieved on the board with a check mark, just so I can see how amazing I am. I did those things, and I have much more to do. But, when I break it down into little goals, it seems crazy unbelievable that by doing this little thing, I’m eventually going to check off that big box in the corner. My ultimate goal.

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