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It has been said that a key part of someone being able to function at their best is having satisfying relationships. And, since they are an interdependent human being, this is not exactly a shock.

Keeping this in mind, it will be vital for one to have strong bonds with others if they want to be at their best. However, this does not mean that they will need to have an army of people around them.

quality over quantity

Having a handful of good people in your life is going to be so much better than having dozens and dozens of people you’re not really close with. So by having a handful of close people in your life, you will be much stronger than you otherwise would be.

These will be the kind of people with whom they can be themselves, without needing them to act. In addition, there will be the support that these people give them.

Both senses

It is likely that these people will also have the same experience, as one will also allow these people to be real and supportive. If this did not happen, their relationships would be unbalanced.
One would be receiving something for which one is not obliged to give, and this would probably create resentment. Fortunately, they will realize how important it is for them to be the kind of person they want in their life.

Other benefit

By having a strong support network, it should also be easier for them to handle a breakup. Not all of their eggs will be in one basket, so to speak, making it easier for them to get back on their feet afterwards.

If they are in a relationship, they will not look to their partner for all of their needs. There will be a number of other people who can be there for them, which will take a lot of pressure off of your primary relationship.

Time alone

Along with the time you spend with others could be the time you spend in your own company. Being able to enjoy your own company will also have a positive effect on your relationships.

The reason for this is that they will not have to spend time with someone to feel good or complete. If this were not the case, it would be more difficult for them to walk away from a relationship that does not serve them and they would expect a lot from others.

a different reality

However, while some people will bond closely with others and feel comfortable experiencing life in this way, there will be others who will not. For someone like that, keeping people at a distance will be what feels comfortable.

This does not mean that they will never let anyone near them; what it means is that they won’t let anyone get close for long. Then another person can walk up to them and come out of nowhere; one will end up walking away.


When this happens, one could stop responding to someone else’s messages and no longer answer their calls. Or if they reply to their messages, one could tell them that they are too busy to see them.

At one moment one will have been warm and available and at another they will be cold and unavailable. The other person might wonder what they have done wrong, believing that they are the reason you have left.


The person they have distanced themselves from may make them feel rejected, causing them to feel depressed. If this person is carrying emotional wounds related to rejection and even abandonment, it may take time for him to recover.

But, although one could feel rejected and end up trapped in what happens to him, there could be much more. The reason one rejected them could be because they don’t want to be rejected themselves.

an unconscious process

One might inadvertently push them away as a way to prevent the other person from rejecting them. One would have believed that this was going to happen, so they took the first step.

Deep down, one may believe that there is something inherently wrong with them, so they don’t deserve to have people in their life who care about them. Believing this, they will believe that another person would reject them as soon as they learned the truth about them.

The cause

What this may show is that their early years were a time of abuse and/or neglect. How they were treated would have been seen as a sign of their courage rather than a reflection of how hurt their caretakers were.

This is a natural consequence of being self-centered and not having the ability to reflect at this stage of your life. The messages they picked up and the beliefs they formed at this stage of their life would have gone on to define how they viewed themselves and others.


If one can relate to this and wants to change their life, they may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be done with the help of a therapist or healer.

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