
A Virtual World of Live Pictures.

Having a pet changes your life. It makes you more liberal, more loyal, and more considerate of others. Animals teach us a lot, you know. We call them animals, but they are actually taller, quite a lot better than us humans, who take pride in everything. They are always one step ahead of what we do in our lives to improve.

Alaskan bears, mighty wolves that look fierce, and seals that are the kings of the watershed have gentle hearts. When you watch polar bears on TV, they are always ready to protect their children and fight for them. They hunt for food and follow the justice of the land. Look at the dogs, the leopards and the lions. They do not seize the territories of others and respect their freedom. They hunt diligently to feed their pride and their babies. Food, water and shelter, the ancient necessities of life are all they want. They just want to roam free, be wild, and raise their young.

Films and documentaries are filmed. Readings are given to protect wildlife around the world. However, human beings have a tendency to double standards. We kill them and scream to protect ourselves. No wonder we have built Satan and hell out of our own conscience. If we had done good works, hell would not have existed. Our compelling need to do bad deeds just for fun is terrible. We are so bad that we cannot abstain from our cruel nature. God didn’t make us this way, but here we are proud, arrogant, selfish, and behave like silent killers.

Glaciers are melting, trees are crying, and people are dying screaming at the world about cruelty. Has anything improved in these decades? Have we stopped the bloodshed? Have we stopped wearing animal prints? Have we tried to control our pride by killing tigers? No. Some cultures are one step ahead and perform actions that can portray Satan as angelic. These people celebrate the heinous festival of killing cats and dogs and eating them. This is worse than burning in hell. I mean, what made you think about killing and eating that thing that’s supposed to be your partner for life? What has entered their hearts? Now, non-vegetarians shouldn’t question all of this. They know what I’m talking about

Nothing happened. It is still a null advance of what we call development. You call this progress. My dear companions, this is just one of many ways to kill our mother nature. A pessimist is a danger to society. Six billion people around the world and only 30-40% are raising their voices and brains. Why do not you get up? Unleashing your anger with words will not work. You must get up and try.

How many likes do we give to a YouTube video of fun and adorable compilations of animals? The dear words and the pathetic and hideous objections of the people break our hearts. Let me ask you something, how many of us actually feel tears when writing or watching those videos? Just two or three humans will come out and spread the required awareness. Resting will only shed tears and go back to work cursing fate and leaving everything in the hands of God.

I am not saying that you are heartless, it is wrong to point out a whole gender when only one mind is corrupted. There are sweet souls who die for their pets, run with them for their lives, and will do absolutely anything to keep them safe. and happy. Animal trainers spend their entire lives building sanctuaries and shelters for bears, wolves, and dogs. Aquatic creatures feel love in a beloved soul and never forget it. They know who is nice and who is satanic. An ostrich, a wild beast or an anaconda all deserve to be happy. They deserve to live a healthy life in their own community.

The truth is that we are nothing without these four-legged creatures. We depend on them for the happiness of our soul and they are our preceptors who teach us to respect the one who created us. We need to cherish them, protect them, and like our wedding vows, we must say until death do us part.

So are you ready?

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