
A Virtual World of Live Pictures.

I was there. Again. A scheduled appointment with Bob. She knew what she was for. For the past several weeks, he had been receiving massage therapy before his chiropractic appointments to try to resolve chronic neck and shoulder pain that had plagued him for months. The poor man was in trouble and was taking him down. The worst thing for the chiropractor and me was that our apps didn’t seem to give him relief for more than a few days at a time.

So, there we are. Again. Bob at the table describing the same line of pain in his neck and shoulder. He could almost see it under his skin, the same old ache that wouldn’t go away. Then something in me rose up against him, as if to say: “Enough.” My consciousness observed this response that was not compassionate towards a client, but during that part of the treatment, this determined energy that was almost a grunt moved my hands and fingers over the muscles and connective tissue.

After that session, I didn’t see Bob for several weeks, and when he came back for an appointment, he said it was only because of the massage, that his neck and shoulder finally got better after the last time. I pondered whether this had anything to do with the unusual emotional response I experienced during that session. Over time, I was rewarded with a few ideas to pass on to you about what I feel is the healing power of anger.

I soon came across an explanation of the word “anger” in John Bradshaw’s description of emotions in his book,Bradshaw in the family. Bradshaw views emotions in a rather neutral way, saying that they are signals that tell us where we are in a given situation. I like this definition, because it is without judgment. He doesn’t label an emotion as good or bad, just as an indicator of where we are.

Emotions let us know who we are and how we feel about what is happening around us or within us. The spontaneous increase of inner anger is an indicator that we feel that some injustice has been done. Thus, anger is linked in its most positive sense to our internal balance of justice.

Note the word “spontaneous.” This is not the anger that the mind has been feeding on in relation to a person or situation perceived as problematic. This is not the easy trigger, the chip on the shoulder waiting to light up, parading under the guidance of righteous indignation. That kind of emotion falls more into the category of resentment and can take over a person’s life and ruin their health if not resolved through forgiveness.

Rather, the first spontaneous rising of the emotion of anger is pure energy. It’s more like what we feel when we see a person or company guilty of misconduct but getting away with it. It is the sudden response to injustice when we see an adult abuse a child or a gang torture a weak person.

As a gauge to measure our response to injustice, anger has a legitimate place in our lives. It motivates us to take action, to correct a mistake. Granted, what I experienced as anger in Bob’s situation was a slight outburst against a condition that had persisted too long and was eroding my client’s health and well-being. But it turned out to be enough power to amplify my apps at the time and get a beneficial result.

The first insight into the positive value of anger led to the second: Reflecting one day on anger as purely “an energy”, I realized that in its power there is an element of “command energy”. That made sense, since Cayce’s readings assigned this emotion to the third chakra, the solar plexus, and “ruled” by the planet Mars.

Then I saw Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. It was so clear that he didn’t say softly, “Please wake up.” Rather, the call, “Lazarus, come out,” has the power to awaken a man’s cells to life and make possible his re-entry into his body. And I knew without a doubt that without the full force of Jesus’ third chakra, in concert with his other centers, the return of Lazarus would not have been possible. This same energy, channeled constructively, allowed the expulsion of demons and other more forceful demonstrations of the evolution of our Big Brother.

So, before we on the spiritual path make the mistake of viewing anger as “non-spiritual,” as an emotion to be eliminated, repressed, or rejected, I encourage you to reconsider its higher expression. as the power to command, in support of someone in need of healing, including ourselves. Clearing our third chakras through forgiveness paves the way for this powerful energy to come through us spontaneously and constructively, as a blessing, to prompt us to correct a mistake, to help in an unfair situation, or to dispel anger. illusion of ill health

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