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When a news article talks about the benefits of 4 cups of coffee a day, it does not refer to a coffee loaded with cream or sugar. Those coffee drinks with added fat and calories can put on weight and cause an increased risk of certain types of cancer.

Now that we’ve established that coffee can help reduce cancer risk, what exactly is it about coffee that makes it a good cancer fighter?

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, several things in coffee make it a likely cancer fighter.

Different beans, roasts, and brewing methods impact the health benefits of coffee. According to Science Daily, the beneficial compounds per serving of coffee vary depending on the coffee beans, the roasting method, and the brewing method.

One study showed a decreased risk of colorectal cancer regardless of the flavor of the coffee. But most experts say that black coffee offers the biggest bang for the buck when it comes to lowering cancer risk. The addition of cream and sugar only leads to other health problems.

Among other impressive benefits of coffee for mind, body, and longevity, this one stands out as being potentially helpful to millions of people around the world.

Coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is one of the most important health problems in the world. Although researchers have yet to figure out exactly why coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, it is known that coffee can reduce the risk of this disease by up to 50%

Coffee improves physical performance. The caffeine found in coffee improves muscle contractions and blood flow, allowing for smoother neuromuscular transitions and greater force of contraction. This is perfect for athletes who need a competitive edge while training, or anyone involved in physical labor, as its benefits should manifest as resistance to fatigue.

But people who play competitive sports should be aware that caffeine is among the restricted drugs for this very reason. Then drinking too much coffee could get you kicked out of the competition!

Although we mainly use some coffee machines to make cold coffee, it can also be used to make hot coffee. Cold beer when stored in the refrigerator in the airtight mug stays fresh for 2 weeks. Imagine the amount of time you save every day with a coffee maker.

Iced coffee is made by steeping ground coffee in cold water. Actually, the cold brew coffee maker lets you make cold coffee in the refrigerator. Brewing in cold water gives the coffee a smooth, full-bodied flavor that is quite pleasant to the taste without any of the bitter undertones present in hot brews.

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