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In the eastern region of the magnificent and mighty Storm Peaks, exist creatures of such power and strength that even the evil forces of the Scourge do not cause them anxiety. They are arguably one of the few creatures in Northrend, and perhaps in all of Azeroth, who can sleep peacefully at night without worrying about the impending Scourge invasion, that is, if these creatures sleep at all. The creatures I’m talking about are Frost Giants. They live in huge frozen castles known as Dun Niffelem, structures that take over the eastern region of the mountain. The Frost Giants who live there belong to a faction known as the Sons of Hodir.

In World of Warcraft’s latest expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, the Frost Giants in Northrend are said to be related to the lesser giants of Azeroth, such as the Frostmaul Giants. They share the same passion for fighting, though there have been some rumors that the Frost Giants of Dun Niffelem are more closely related to the Storm Giants. If so, this means they are less interested in fighting and more interested in arcane research and are generally keeping to themselves. However, the Sons of Hodir can be a mix of both. They may have the Frostmaul Giant’s love of battle and the Storm Giant’s aptitude for magic and magical research. If this is true, then that makes the faction even more powerful.

Led by the most powerful of Storm Peak’s Frost Giants, King Jokkum, the faction goes into battle against their enemies, such as Scourge, the spirits of Thunderfall, and others. When you venture into Storm Peaks, you can earn reputation by joining and fighting for this faction, or you can take repeatable quests that are given to you by the NPCs there. Below are some of the quests you can repeat as part of the Sons of Holdir faction:

* Everfrost – This quest will have you ask an NPC, Calder, about an Everfrost chip.

* Polishing the rudder: This is a kind of gathering mission, where you need to get 5 units of viscous oil in the Hibernal cave.

* Blowing Hodir’s Horn – This quest involves killing creatures in the nearby Thunderfall, such as Frostborn and Niffelem Forefathers.

There are many things to do once you join the Sons of Holdir faction. At the moment this is just the information I gathered about them and some of the quests involved. Just hang in there. The Wrath of the Lich King will soon be yours and you can explore and fight in Northrend with the Frost Giants all you want!

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