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It’s always an exciting time when a new puppy comes home, especially if you have children. This is also an important moment in which the process of familiarization, socialization and fundamental formation begins. Not too intense mind you. A pup needs time to acclimate to the new environment and members of the pack. Although many books have been written about this time, we have found through experience that there are some things that, if done correctly, enhance the experience for you and your pup.

One of the most important things you can do starts before you arrive; plan ahead It’s really simple. Ask yourself about:

  • Where the puppy will sleep and in what type of container or pad
  • What will you eat and in what kind of container?
  • What about your comfort, like blankets, soft pads, etc.
  • What will he chew?
  • what to play with
  • How will you control the puppy inside and out?
  • Who will care for your immediate and emergency medical care

The answers will prepare you for a smooth return home.

Just like with a small child, a room should be free of anything that could harm your pet. Electrical cords, cell phone chargers, exposed electrical outlets, hazardous materials of any kind, small parts of any kind, children’s toys, or food are all threats to your pup. Of particular interest here is the potentially fatal threat that houseplants from it can be. Most houseplants will, at the very least, create discomfort or irritation of some kind and degree. Some are deadly. His best bet is to eliminate houseplants altogether if you can. If not, make sure they are out of reach and temptation. Learn about which plants are particularly harmful and how to deal with a pet that has ingested such a plant. It could save a life.

Hanging fruits for your pet are things like tassels, ropes, laces, hanging plants, clothing, and shelves that can be easily reached, pulled, or pulled. You would do well to seek them out and remedy them.

Also, your new pet will want to chew. Chew anything. Make sure there are numerous acceptable chew options available. There are many chew toys available at most major grocery and pet stores. Skip this step and you can give your pet a pair of $300 chew toys that you were going to wear with that special dress.

Since your pup will likely be somewhat anxious about this significant change in his life, allow him to become familiar with his new surroundings. We typically keep the pup in one room and expand to others as the pup gains the privilege while being house trained. While on the leash, let the pup explore the nooks and unique features of the room, assuming precautions have been taken regarding potential hazards.

Establishing a routine is important for your pup’s emotional well-being and yours. This should apply to feeding, elimination in a special place, walks, playtime and bedtime. Of particular interest are feeding and elimination routines, since it will immediately become obvious to you that these problems will not wait. Feeding should occur as prescribed by your breeder or rescue professional and follow the recommended feed manufacturer’s instructions. It has been our experience, that having your pet earn her food each time by requiring her to wait, just a little bit, or to sit before accessing food and water quickly begins to establish her dominance. It also tells your pet that you are their provider.

Removal is somewhat more difficult. The pups have no guides in this area. His instinct is to eliminate when the urge arises. They won’t do it where they sleep or eat unless there’s no other option, but anywhere else in your home is fair game. We make use of the kennel process for this step. Our pets are introduced to their kennel in a very positive way, attracted to treats and toys to play with. Her cages are just the right size so that spending time inside is not difficult for them. They are airy and big enough to move freely around the sides, but not so big that they can evacuate inside and walk away.

Choose a specific area of ​​your property for your layout. This makes it easier for your pet to identify it as THE place to eliminate.

Most puppies can’t hold their own for more than an hour or two when in a kennel and will feel the need to relieve themselves shortly after eating, so be prepared. Anticipation is one of the most powerful tools you have at home for training your pet. Anticipating his needs you don’t give him the opportunity to do it on your carpet.

We leave the pets in their cages, usually at the same time every night and after a fun time of play. We have found that as they get older, they are quite happy to end the day at the same time every day. Routine.

Lastly, make an appointment with a vet as soon as you can. Your puppy will require a checkup and vaccinations. This will also give you an opportunity to familiarize yourself with office procedures and what to do in an emergency.

Now that your puppy is home and you have done your homework and preparations, you should relax and enjoy the company of your new friend and companion.


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