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Millions of people have lost their jobs as a result of this recession. You can be one of them. While the stock market has shown a positive move, it is not clear if things will really pick up soon or if the rally we have seen is false.

So how does a person of faith deal with the loss of their job and not lose their faith?

In his historical book, About death and dying, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross identified a model for receiving and processing the diagnosis of a terminal illness. Since the book was published in 1969, the seven stages of grief have been recognized as a universal process that we all go through whenever we receive bad news. Losing a job is a stressful event that triggers the same emotional roller coaster as other types of losses. And yes, grieving is part of the process.

Each of us experiences grief differently because we move through the stages differently and that movement may not be in a straight line. We can bounce around a bit between some of the stages and we can quickly go through one or two of them. The goal is to deal effectively with each stage and overcome them so as not to get stuck in any of them.

Shock. “That?” No matter how conscientious we’ve tried to be about the financial health of our company and our own job security, hearing the words “…and we’re going to have to let it go…” still surprises us to some degree. . We may be hearing what is being said, but it can be hard for our brain and ears to work together. After the meeting ends, you may find later that he didn’t ask any of the dozens of questions you have. He may not even remember what exactly he was told. It’s okay to go back and ask for clarification later.

Denial. “This can’t be happening to me” is a common reaction and often crosses your mind as you listen to your supervisor explain the separation process. Ask for all the information about your separation in writing. Your company should have these documents prepared in advance. Be sure to get them so you can review them later as your attention span improves.

Anger. “After all I’ve done for this place?!” It can be hard to believe that after successfully completing difficult projects, meeting deadlines, and other accomplishments, you suddenly discover your expendable. Hurts. It’s not fair. And we react with anger as we try to make sense of and protect our battered ego. While your feelings are justified (and we can always find a reason to justify our feelings, can’t we?), anger is a dangerous emotion. As it wells up and spills over, it can be easy for us to lose control of our words and actions. Be very careful at this time. Even if you weren’t happy in your job, you’ll want to get a good reference and be among those who are called if the situation changes. People won’t remember that your anger was justified; they will only remember how angry you got. As a former recruiter, I can tell you that your anger can come out in a job interview and it doesn’t help you sell yourself to a future employer.

It is also easy for us to be angry with God. You are a good person… a person of faith. How can you let this happen to you? Unfortunately we use earthly things to measure God’s love for us. he does not

Negotiation. “I’ll be a better person if you let me find a job, God.” As the job search begins and in some cases continues, he may find himself trying to bargain with the Lord in an attempt to get what he wants. We have all done this at various times in our lives. Instead of promising to do something if God gives you what you want, try to just do what you promised. If you will go to church more often if He gives you a job, how about you go to church more often no matter what?

Sometimes making an alternative offer to our employer can be a good idea. Offering to work reduced hours or even being available for projects or part-time work can provide you with some extra income while you search for a new position. You can also demonstrate incredible flexibility and the kind of positive outlook that is valued even if not accepted.

Depression. “Why have you abandoned me?” With newspapers full of stories about business closures, executive oversupply and more job losses, it’s easy to feel emotionally overwhelmed by this economic crisis. Add to that stress of going to interviews and not being selected and it’s easy to hear the voice of negativity convincing you that you’re worthless and that he’ll never find a job. This is the most dangerous point of all and it can be easy to fall deeper and deeper into this black hole where we become paralyzed by our feelings of sadness.

God has not abandoned you. Personal and business coach Duke Clarke points out that our definition of “prosperous” and God’s are two different definitions. Duke says, “The biblical definition of ‘prosper’ is to achieve what you set out to do, as explained in Genesis when Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for his son. So make sure you define your prosperous life in light of the wealth of your entire life and not just based on income. God loves you no matter what. Focus and celebrate the simple and joyful pleasures we have every day.

Evidence. “Please, God, let this work.” Maybe it’s a training program you’ve qualified for, a temp job you’ve landed, or a consulting project you’ve landed. At some point, you may dip your toe into a new pool of experiences, testing the waters of a new venture and a new way of working. It’s easy to be scared at this point. As adults, we are quick to label less-than-perfect results as “failures” or “mistakes” when, in fact, it’s simply part of moving on and learning something new. Sometimes we can get a bit frantic in our testing, constantly trying something new without giving any activity a chance to build up steam.

Acceptance. “I think this is going to work.” Suddenly, she begins to realize that his new circumstances are full of benefits. Whether it’s having fun cooking meals together to save money, or getting closer by discussing how to deal with financial challenges, or discovering that you really can teach an old dog new tricks, when you reach a point where you accept the new direction your life is taking. . Moving things becomes easier by swimming with the current instead of against it.

It’s easy to get caught up in any of the stages before coming to acceptance. Worry can easily consume us. Being a person of faith does not mean that we will not go through difficult and sad times. It means understanding that God is with us to guide and strengthen us as we navigate these obstacles. Just as a gem starts out as a rock and must be shaken and turned to come out sparkling and beautiful in the end, our struggles do the same for us when faith and prayer become part of our rejuvenation process.

Here are 5 practical things to help you not lose faith or heart right now:

Take time. Give yourself time to feel the pain and sadness of what you are experiencing. Review the separation details your company provides and research all company, state, and federal benefits owed to you. Many people find out that this is really a gift in disguise. Think about what you didn’t like about your job and reflect on what you would like to do most now. How can you make that happen?

Take care. Whether you want to admit it or not, you are in a fragile state. Eat healthy. Do exercise. Pray often. Limit your exposure to bad news and to your friends and family who tend to focus on the negative. While sympathy is appreciated, constantly hearing variations of “isn’t that horrible?” it will only reinforce the negativity in your mind and heart.

To take action. Movement is rejuvenating and strengthening. Develop a schedule and stick to it. Set a timer and focus on periods of time in your job search. Take a 15-minute break to do some simple task like laundry, then set the timer again and do some more job search work. Research companies, find training programs, write cover letters.

Give to others. You’ll soon have learned quite a bit as you navigate the woods of the job search process in your area. She can give helpful advice to other people in her church who have just been unemployed. Talk to your pastor about creating a support group. Find a charity you believe in and volunteer. Help out at the local animal shelter where caring for God’s helpless creatures will be greatly appreciated. Studies have shown that animals have a calming effect on people. It is a free stress therapy. Volunteering is a great way to meet other people who could possibly help you find a new job. It’s also a wonderful way to take your mind off yourself while helping others overcome their challenges.

Talk to those who can help. God made us as social animals. Most of us need other people and talking about our problems helps tremendously. Find people who are willing to listen who not only provide a sympathetic ear, but can also provide helpful advice, direct you to resources, and help you smile.

These are scary times as we are all affected by this economic crisis. Worrying and obsessing only helps us get caught up in the tangle of the grievance stages. It is also inconsistent with being a person of faith. We must balance the recognition of the reality in which we find ourselves with action guided by the Holy Spirit and the belief that the hand of God is always guiding us. We really are not alone in this.

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