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Potty training is something that tests a parent’s patience, as each child reacts differently to the process. A training system can be highly favored by one child that can be immediately rejected by another, which implies that there can be no fixed training in this regard and it all depends on each child as to which technique to adopt to induce the child into the training process.

Parents of the child should be very clear about one thing: the transition from diapers to potty training may not be easy because some children may have reservations about the potty training process and seeing this, there should not be any kind of pressure on the child. child. Also, parents should never show signs of frustration in front of the child, but on the other hand should encourage the child to try next time if they fail in their attempt. There is no set age at which potty training can begin, but it normally starts after the age of one and can continue until that age or even longer in certain cases.

There are some parents who have waited for their child to mentally prepare and when they show interest in potty training the process begins. The parents, for their part, were quick to see the opportunity when their son entered the bathroom to tell them what activity was carried out in the room and how. But with that being said, it may only be for a few lucky parents and not for everyone. So, keeping this in mind, the whole process should be free from any kind of compulsions in the child.

Today’s parents should consider them lucky as there are now beautiful potties designed to engage the child in the potty training process. At each stage there must be some kind of encouragement to the child from the parents when he successfully performs the task. The child can also be rewarded by giving him a chocolate for the achievement. Never forget to also hug the child and praise him during the process.

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