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Using solar energy and converting it into electrical energy that we can use is an idea that appeals to many. The sun, being an alternative source of energy, never runs out unlike the fossil fuels that power the world today. Converting solar energy to electricity produces zero carbon emissions, making it an environmentally friendly endeavor. And once the solar system is installed, the operating and maintenance cost is minimal. Therefore, we can conclude that solar energy is the closest thing to having green and free electricity.

But we all know that in order to rid our homes of monthly electric bills and live completely off the grid, we must spend a considerable amount to install commercial solar panels on our roofs, which can supply 100% of our regular electricity consumption. And many people who dream of free electricity are surprised by the high initial cost of installation.

So is the dream of solar powered homes still a reality only for those who can afford it? it seems not

A growing community of hobbyists, particularly those concerned with finding green, safe, and renewable energy sources, are among those who say that DIY solar power is possible and doesn’t have to cost that much. This is accomplished through the use of small, inexpensive but highly efficient solar panels, batteries, an inverter, some wires, cables, and other electrical components. And what made it cheaper is the fact that you are doing all the work.

But of course, this doesn’t mean you can start unplugging your home from power companies and going completely solar once the project is complete. Most of these DIY solar system kits are small-scale and can store and generate just enough power to power a light bulb for a few days, run a laptop for 2 days, or a 20-inch TV for a day.

But the real advantage here is the long-term benefit. Solar panels, even DIY ones, can last 20 to 25 years, with only a slight reduction in efficiency. What this means is that you can enjoy 20 to 25 years of free electricity at a fraction of the cost of commercial installations. And these DIY solar power kits can usually be upgraded. You can buy more components later and integrate them with your existing system so you can harness more solar power and deliver more electricity.

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