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House cleaning is hard work but it is part of maintaining good health. If you want to have a truly beneficial cleaning process, just use green cleaning products. Not only will it save you money, but it will also make your cleaning effective and safe.

Here are natural cleaning products you can use from your own kitchen with corresponding steps on how to use them.

distilled white vinegar It is used to cut grease and deodorize. It can be used to clean the kitchen, shine and clean glasses, remove dust and soften clothes.

lemon juice it is a mild bleach. You can use it to deodorize and clean toilet bowls and tiles.

Detergent It is used to remove grease and stains and to clean bathroom surfaces and tiles.

Borax it is a natural mineral that you can use to control pests and cockroaches in your home

Salt It is used to clean, deodorize and disinfect your home. It can be used to polish your silver items and to remove rust stains on your metal equipment.

baking soda It is used in cleaning and deodorizing carpets.

Herbs They are used in flavoring. They can be used as air fresheners.

These natural ingredients are really effective and safe to use. They do not contain chemical ingredients, which makes them harmless, especially for you as a user, for all members of your family and for the environment.

Here are 7 tips for making your homemade cleaning products:

Distilled white vinegar as spray for powders

Step 1: Combine ½ cup of distilled white vinegar and ½ tablespoon of olive oil.

Step 2: Mix the combined natural ingredients well with a spoon.

Step 3 – Simply pour the mixture into a container or spray bottle.

Step 4 – Spray solution on dusty household items and wipe clean.

Step 5 – Store or place in your kitchen cabinet with a label if not in use.

glass cleaner

Step 1 – Combine ½ cup of distilled white vinegar in ¼ cup of water.

Step 2: For the combination in a clean container.

Step 3: Mix it well.

Step 4 – Use a cloth to clean your glasses with this solution

Step 5: Store the mixture properly in a clean cabinet.

fabric softener

Step 1: Pour ½ cup of water and 1 cup of distilled white vinegar into a wide container.

Step 2: Mix the two ingredients well.

Step 3: Pour the mixture on your clothes.

Lemon juice as a shoe polish

Step 1 – You need to combine ¼ cup of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Step 2: For the ingredients in a small container, mix well.

Step 3: Apply a small amount to a piece of cloth.

Step 4 – Rub the piece of cloth on your shoes to make them shine

Step 5 – Store or place the remaining mixture on your shelf or shoebox.

Coffee or tea stain remover

Step 1: Mix ½ cup of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of salt.

Step 2: Pour mixture into a spray bottle, shake well.

Step 3 – Spray the solution on the coffee or tea stains and allow to soak.

Step 4: Brush off stains with a brush, rinse with water.

Step 5: Place or place the remaining mixture in your cabinet.

Washing soda and lemon juice as a tile and bathroom surface cleaner

Step 1: Mix ½ cup washing soda and ¼ cup lemon juice.

Step 2: Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.

Step 3 – Spray your bathroom surface and tile.

Step 4: Brush them well until the dirt is removed.

Step 5: Wash all bathroom surfaces and dry them.

Step 6: Properly store the remaining mix if any.

salt as silver polish

Step 1: Pour 1 cup of water into a medium saucepan.

Step 2 – Add 5 tablespoons of salt.

Step 3: Grill the mixture for about 3 minutes (medium heat).

Step 4: Kindly pour your silver coins into the pan.

Step 5: Let it roast for 5 minutes.

Step 6: Drain the silver ones.

Step 7: Brush with an old toothbrush.

Step 8 – Rinse with lukewarm water.

Step 9: Wipe dry.

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