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How much weight can my batten panel support?

It is best to check with the manufacturer before hanging heavy objects. Ask about internal bond strength. Internal bonding typically ranges from 50 pounds to 150 pounds per square inch. The larger the internal joint, the more weight your batten panel will be able to support. In general, lightweight batten panel can hold around twenty pounds for things hung close to the wall (within 6″). High pressure batten panel can hold around a hundred pounds. The further you hang things from the wall, the less weight your batten panel can support. High pressure laminates are the strongest, melamine and paint grade hold the least weight.

Can I increase the weight my batten panel can support?

Yes, you can increase the weight capacity of your batten panel by installing inserts in the grooves. Again, check with your manufacturer because most have to insert them during production and can’t be added later. Plastic or acrylic inserts increase the weight capacity only slightly, but metal inserts increase it a lot. MDF slat wall without an insert can support between 15 and 40 pounds per support, while a metal insert increases the load capacity to a range of approximately 40 pounds to 120 pounds.

Can the batten panel be attached directly to the studs?

Yes. Slatwall can be installed directly over studs or through drywall. Check with building codes before installing as some walls must have drywall between the studs and the stud wall.

How do I know how much slatwall to order?

Talk to a representative of the company you are ordering from. Note standard panel sizes and whether or not you are accommodating panels measured vertically or horizontally. Also, consider if you want a batten panel from floor to ceiling or only at a certain level.

Does slatwall require professional installation?

Not necessarily, but professional installation is recommended. Some insurance companies, especially those that insure retail stores, require a licensed professional contractor to install the batten panel. There are building codes and fire codes to consider. Also, you need to make sure that the batten panel is properly installed so that it will hold the weight you plan to put on it without posing a risk of liability or injury.

How versatile is slatwall?

Slatwall is one of the most versatile products on the retail display market. There are so many accessories that you will never run out of ideas on how to present your merchandise. You can use hanging rods, hooks, shelves, and specialty accessory displays to keep things fresh and changing in your store. You can display impulse items attractively alongside other more standard items. You can quickly and easily switch from summer to winter merchandise, adjust the amount of inventory in the store, and set up promotional displays without changing the look and feel of the store. Purchasing slatwall for your store could be one of the best investments you’ll ever make.

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