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Speakers facing a challenging speech or a challenging audience often wonder what they could do to be more successful. Sure, there are plenty of tricks one can use to grab the audience’s attention and make them laugh a few times. However, if you really want to give a successful speech, you will have to share your true self with your audience: you will have to show them your personal speaking style…

What is the personal style of a speaker?
No two speakers are the same. What makes each of us different is our own style of speaking. It is your style that your audience will experience as you speak and will remember you long after you have left the stage.

We modify our style based on how we feel about the audience we are speaking to. Like all people, we have a deep need for the approval of our public and we want to be accepted by them.

Too often, speakers will try to modify their speaking style to become what they think their audience is looking for. The problem with doing this is that all of a sudden we’re trying to share a personal style with our audience that isn’t authentic and it’s going to show.

What constitutes our speaking style?
Our speaking style is somewhat complex: it is made up of several different interconnected parts. Because there are so many different aspects to a speaker’s style, we all have different and unique styles.

You have control over your style. Once you’re aware of what makes up your style, you can work on individual parts and transform your style into an even more authentic representation of you.

These are the components of a speaker’s style that each of us can control:

  • Strain: How tense are you? The more relaxed you are as a speaker, the more relaxed your audience will be listening to you. A little tension is a great way to get off to a good start, but too much will detract from your message. Find ways to relax and give a great speech.
  • Make sure you’re smiling: As speakers, we often forget how much we communicate to our audience through our facial expressions. Smiling is a big part of this. You’ve heard the expression “smile and the world will smile at you” – it turns out to be true. By smiling we relax our audience and put them at ease. Do it more!
  • Focus, focus, focus: As we build our speeches, it can be all too easy to get caught up in our own words. Don’t let this happen. Make sure you communicate your points in as few words as possible; you are less likely to lose your audience this way.
  • Look at me: We all know that maintaining eye contact with your audience is a critical part of making a connection with them, but are we doing it? Looking at your audience is a key part of connecting with them. By doing a good job at this, you are showing them that you have nothing to hide.

What does all this mean to you?
To win over your next audience, you’ll need to share your true self with them. This means that you will have to show them your style of speaking.

Your speaking style is not something you can only point to. Instead, it is a whole series of personal characteristics that emerge while you are giving a speech. Being aware of what constitutes your speaking style allows you to refine it so that it works for you during your next speech, and not against you!

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