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Why would you believe your intuition about what they are telling you?

I was on a spiritual forum and I caught this question posted by a member.

The thread was about the challenges of soulmate relationships and the specific question was “why would you believe your intuition about what your soulmate is telling you?”

IE: If he’s telling you that he doesn’t want to be with you, why don’t you believe him?

Well… at first I thought it was a rational question. So I got angry. So I got VERY angry.

The reason why you should believe your intuition about what someone (soulmate or other) tells you is because your intuition always tells you the truth, whether what you experience in the physical world is fact or not.

Time and time again we find ourselves in situations where our voice/gut/intuition tells us what is really going on. Regardless of what our physical eyes or physical ears are seeing, that inner knowing overrides those physical senses and tells us what is really going on. After enough validation of this, any intelligent person would hopefully refer to their intuition.

When my son was 13 years old, he was sick with what started out as the flu. When he did not recover I took him to the doctor. We repeated this every few days as he wasn’t getting better and I knew the doctors were missing something but didn’t know what.

A hunch (intuition) told me to call the school nurse. I had never called the nurse at my son’s school before. She said, “You know, there’s a case of whooping cough at our school. It’s probably not what his son has, I checked his immunization records before I called him back and I see he was vaccinated against whooping cough.” .

Hearing that word, my gut said “that’s it”.

I talked to his doctor and told him what the nurse said. She dismissed it. I was upset and angry and considered going to another doctor, but until this experience, we had received excellent medical care at this pediatrician’s office. I decided to try one more thing. I had another “hunch” which was to call our local County Health Department. The thought literally popped into my head (intuition) as I struggled with what to do to help my son. The lady I spoke to advised me to go back to the doctor and insist on a specific blood test. I did that and the doctor told me that I couldn’t possibly have whooping cough, but I insisted that he test me.

Days later when she came back for the test it confirmed she had whooping cough/whooping cough. He finally took the correct medication, but his lungs were damaged. Listen to your wisdom, your inner voice.

When we trust our intuition, it becomes our best, closest, and most loyal friend. We have freedom of choice and we can choose to follow the guidance of our soul or not. After we’ve experimented enough times with choosing not to listen and then thinking about “what if I had listened? How would the outcome have been different? What if I had trusted myself instead of what someone was telling me?” It is quite clear that 100% of the time our intuition will be honest with us, intuition does not lie.

Have you ever been driving at a constant speed and your inner voice tells you to slow down. You do, and the car right in front of you slams on the brakes to avoid hitting a dog. You didn’t see the dog, you had no external reason to slow down, but you listened to your intuition. It was correct and he gave you more valid information than your physical eyes.

In my life and most people, we have hundreds if not thousands of experiences like this that validate and support the fact that our intuition/inner voice is the best source of information. It is more accurate than our eyes, ears, and other “ground suit” experiences.

In matters of love it can be confusing. If you try to remove the emotion and ego from the situation, even for a brief moment, you can still your mind, calm down, and just listen. In stillness, your intuition, your soul – will tell you the truth. Sometimes it will be what your mind wants to hear and sometimes not, but it is always accurate.

Intuition is your soul’s direct line of communication with your conscious mind. In matters of love or any other situation in life, your soul will guide you truthfully.

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